Documentary launch marks beginning of Children’s Grief Awareness Month

With November recognized internationally as Children’s Grief Awareness Month, the English Montreal School Board is partnering with Myra’s Kids Foundation to sensitize youth and staff about the reality of children’s grief.
On Friday, November 1 at Westmount High School Myra’s Kids Foundation premiered The Missing Piece: The Reality of Grief, a 20-minute documentary which followed 20 young adults, including multiple EMSB students, at the organization’s summer retreat for grieving children this past August. The Missing Piece: The Reality of Grief gives audiences a first-hand look at how grief has impacted the lives of these teenagers and the courage, strength and bravery that they have exhibited following the death of their loved ones.
On hand for the premiere was Liberal Members of National Assembly Elizabeth Prass (D’Arcy McGee) and Jennifer Maccarone (Westmount-Saint Louis), EMSB Chair Joe Ortona as well as representatives from Myra’s Kids Foundation.
Throughout November, schools across the EMSB will honour children who suffered a loss by wearing blue, the internationally recognized colour of Children’s Grief as well as welcoming guests to speak to this sensitive issue. Furthermore, staff at the EMSB will receive special training from Myra’s Kids Foundation to teach them how to broach the subject of grief with their students.
Watch this report on CityNews Montreal:
About Myra’s Kids Foundation
The goal of Myra’s Kids Foundation is to help bereft children learn to cope, begin to heal, and discover that there can be hope after a significant death. The foundation provides year-round support to children and their extended family by funding, initiating, and organizing programs aimed at supporting children dealing with grief.
About the English Montreal School Board
With a youth and adult sector population of more than 35,000 students, the English Montreal School Board (EMSB) is the largest English public school board in Quebec. Established on July 1, 1998, when the province created new boards along linguistic lines, the EMSB network consists of 73 schools and centres. For more details, visit the EMSB website at